Tuesday, January 1, 2013

"Change is coming my way."

Another year had passed and for me, a new year is another chance to turn your life around or make some changes for a better you. As for my blog post title, I got it from my boyfriend's, Justin Bieber ( come on I can dream, can I? lol) , song Born To Be Somebody. I love every line of that song, and I feel like it speaks for me. hehe! "I was born to be somebody, ain't nothing that's ever gonna stop me. I'll light up the sky like lightning. I'm gonna rise above, show them what I'm made up of. I was born to be somebody..and this world will belong to me." Isn't it so inspiring? haha! Well anyway, before the year ended, I made a "less" and "more" list that hopefully I can stick to and follow all throughout the year 2013. These are the changes that I want to happen in my life in the new year. Not  that I am not happy with the way I am last year but let's just say that there are some things that don't contribute to my productivity at all. Haha! 

1. Spend less

I am the type of person who has "buying" as a pastime. All my money goes to food, leisure, load, shopping, etc. Well this year, it is my top priority to manage my financial "problems".

2. Eat less

70% of my daily allowance is spent on food. You can just imagine how much I eat on a day. Hehe. Not goooood. It's not gonna be me anymore this 2013! I know it's not gonna be easy but my motivation will keep me on the right track. :)

3. "Surf" less

Surfing the internet for hours has brought me into so much trouble last year. I love and hate it at the very same time. I love it because I enjoy communicating with my friends on social networking sites but on the other hand, I hate it because I don't get enough sleep and I don't do my homeworks. Maybe reducing my hours in the internet is a minor step to being productive. :)

4. Study more

I really had poor study habits ever since and this year I'm planning to change that. :)

5. Read more

We learn a lot from reading and I could always use some extra knowledge especially now that our subjects are getting more difficult. 


Last but definitely NOT the least, is to pray always. Prayers can move mountains! Need I say more? :)

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Philippine Fashion Week Spring Summer 2013

 Hello! It's been a while since I last posted something in my blog. But now I'm back and I'm gna share to you my wonderful experience watching my two idols rock the runway!!! (yep I'm a die-hard fan) lol

Last October 27, I attended the Human fashion show featuring Kylie Jenner and Rob Kardashian !! It's crazy!! It's a dream come true and it still seems so surreal for me!! Never realized that I'd see them in person. I've always been a huge fan of The Kardashians , I adore every member of that crazy family! :) So anyway, when I found out that Rob and Kylie are coming, I rushed to MOA to get an invite! I was desperate! LOL so here are some of the pictures from the event! NOTE : I DO NOT OWN THE PICTURES. I GOT THE PHOTOS FROM www.whatsnewph.com and from Tumblr. :)

Here's me wearing my Human jeans :)

the invitation!

The models rocking Human's newest collection.

I also got the chance to see Sophie Summer - ANTM 2012 winner :)





What an awesome experience! Seeing Rob and Kylie made me the happiest person that day. hehe Hoping to see them again one day, with the whole family! :)

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Make Your Own Phone Case

This is my very first DIY (do-it-yourself) post and I'm really looking forward to doing/posting some more! So as you can see, I made my own case for my Blackberry! :) Too bad I wasn't able to take pictures of the whole process because I was focusing on doing the case. :( But anyway, here are the things that you're gonna need:

My Self-Made Case :))

Ofcourse you'll be needing a white matte Blackberry case (or iPhone case if you're on iPhone)

This is what I used to put colors on my case, nail polish! depending on what colors you want
You can also use other materials if you want. 

Permanent marker for additional designs :)

Basically, what I did was to paint nail polish to the whole case following a pattern. In mine, I just painted horizontally, different color after another. 
So the good thing about making your own case is that you don't have to worry about seeing other person having the same case as you, right? 

So here's the finished product!! I definitely had fun doing this one. It costed me a lot of patience but it's totally worth it when I saw the outcome. :) More DIY posts to come!  :)

Monday, May 14, 2012

A day full of food and fun!

What is up readers? This post is supposed to be the other day pa but I had no time to make it, I don't know  really what kept me occupied I just know that I was so busy these passed few days. Haha! So anyway, last Saturday (May 12), my tito who just had his birthday days ago (i talked about this on my previous post) had a part 2 celebration of his birthday here at home. But this time, he invited his closest friends who were not able to come to his birthday dinner in Macapagal. So the real deal is that the house was filled with so much delicious food that I've been craving for in weeks! 

Here's a pic of some of the food served. There were super yummy barbecues that will make you not leave the table for more, spaghetti that's just perfect for my taste (not too sweet/salty/sour), lumpiang gulay that according to tita Lanie is very good, menudo, ginataang langka and puso ng saging and ofcourse my ultimate favorite Amber's best peachy peachy.  

That day I was wearing this AUS brand violet sleeveless that was very perfect for the weather that day and I wore this easy-to-move-on skirt style shorts.

Skirt - ish shorts right? Haha!

And my companion for almost all the places I go to; my overly used Havaianas sandals. :) 

!Change topic!

During the party, I went in my tito's closet and I found this black Caterpillar boots that I've been wanting since forever! Well I originally want a DM boots but since I don't have one yet, this will do. They look the same anyway!  I tried it on and took a few pics. He said I could keep it. Haha!

I love this boots!!!!

!Change topic part 2!

At around 10:30 pm, the Belardo family went back and that's when the real fun started. :) A day with them is not complete without the laugh-out-loud moments, food trip, movie marathon and ofcourse cover making. Finally, we were able to record a full video of a full song. By the way, we are a group named "Bridgeless" because we never, as in never, sing the bridge part of a song when we jam. Not because we intend not to, but because we only know the verses and the chorus part and not the bridge. Pretty silly  :D

Here's us before we watch the movie "Wild Child" starring Emma Roberts, Alex Pettyfer and Natasha Richardson. It's about a rich teenager girl who was sent to a boarding school in England. It's a funny and romantic movie best for teenagers. You'll love it! :)

Here's a video of one of the covers we made. I was the videographer, Pia in vocals, Patrick in guitar and Abby was the one behind the wind effect. Haha! You'll notice on the chorus part.


Tuesday, May 8, 2012

It's all about brown

Hello! Yesterday was my tito's birthday and we had dinner at a restaurant called Dad and Mom's Family Resto in Macapagal Blvd. If you're a seafood lover, this is definitely the perfect place for you! My personal favorite was their prawns. Every dish that has prawns in it was to die for! They were so delicious! I was once allergic to shrimps but I think it has already worked its way out of my system. Haha! is that even possible? Anyway, everyone had a really great time and we left the resto with happy faces. :)

Three long tables of yummy food!
My tito's co-workers, friends and family :)

After dinner, we headed to our Restobar in Dasma, Cavite and had a few drinks. (I drank iced tea I swear!) lol

So now I'm giving justice to the title of this post. I went to dinner wearing all brown from head to toe! :) 

Mary Kate and Ashley backless top
Shorts from tita Anna :)

Another ring I got from Mel's Collection.

And I wore this super comfy native sandals made of abaca that I got as a gift. :)


Monday, April 23, 2012

The Land Down Under

Hello!! =) Uhm yesterday I was thinking of what to post on my blog next. So since it's summer, I remembered our summer last 2007. It is the best summer in my life so far. And this year's probably the worst. Haha! Anyway, I posted some pictures of some of the coolest places we went to and I googled the information about the places. 

Blue Mountains


"Katoomba is the most visited town in the Blue Mountains. The Scenic Railway is the steepest railway incline in the world and is now one of the most popular man-made tourist attractions in Australia. The ride takes you down the steep descent past Orphan Rock, through a tunnel and the beautiful fern-damp cliff face. "

Katoomba Coal Mine

The Three Sisters

"The Three Sisters is the Blue Mountains’ most spectacular landmark. It is essentially an unusual rock formation representing three sisters who according to Aboriginal legend were turned to stone."

The city!

Sydney Entertainment Centre
The ever famous Sydney Harbour Bridge

'What Big Ears I've Got' @ Taronga Zoo
This is how I used to look back then. Haha! 

Taronga Zoo Bird Show
" The Taronga Zoo is a major tourist attraction in Sydney, Australia. It offers an exciting way to see an enormous assortment of some of the world’s most beautiful and exotic creatures, and is one of the most attractive and captivating zoos in Sydney. "

Sydney Olympic Park's Aquatic Centre
Australian War Memorial

Beautiful trees on our way to Snowy Mountain

Enjoying the snow with my cousins. 

Canberra, Australia
I think this is in front of the Parliament House. 


Harbour Bridge in the background
Questacon, Canberra

There's still more photos I wanna post but this is so long already. Haha! So here's my summer adventure last 2007. Best summer so far.