Friday, January 13, 2012

A little too late, MERRY CHRISTMAS =))

This post is a little bit late for Christmas but anyway, I still posted it! :) 
Christmas is my favorite season of the year and I always make sure that I spend it to the fullest! So last Christmas, my family and I went to Boracay. :) Here are some pics from our trip!

Umm as you can see, I wrote my name on the sand. Haha. While everybody else was swimming, I made sand castles and wrote names.

We actually had to pay for this shot. -_- Sand men (or whatever they're called ) would ask for donations and would not let you leave until you give them money. 

Would you look at that view!! Gorgeous

We had Noche Buena at Shakey's! Just 2 hours after we arrived.

My current twitter icon. Hehe and also my first photo by the beach. 

Jump shot with the bagets. 

So that's it for Christmas 2011. Looking forward to another great year! :))))

1 comment:

  1. these are some pretty cool pics! i like the way they're edited (: thanks for joining the giveaway!
