Monday, May 14, 2012

A day full of food and fun!

What is up readers? This post is supposed to be the other day pa but I had no time to make it, I don't know  really what kept me occupied I just know that I was so busy these passed few days. Haha! So anyway, last Saturday (May 12), my tito who just had his birthday days ago (i talked about this on my previous post) had a part 2 celebration of his birthday here at home. But this time, he invited his closest friends who were not able to come to his birthday dinner in Macapagal. So the real deal is that the house was filled with so much delicious food that I've been craving for in weeks! 

Here's a pic of some of the food served. There were super yummy barbecues that will make you not leave the table for more, spaghetti that's just perfect for my taste (not too sweet/salty/sour), lumpiang gulay that according to tita Lanie is very good, menudo, ginataang langka and puso ng saging and ofcourse my ultimate favorite Amber's best peachy peachy.  

That day I was wearing this AUS brand violet sleeveless that was very perfect for the weather that day and I wore this easy-to-move-on skirt style shorts.

Skirt - ish shorts right? Haha!

And my companion for almost all the places I go to; my overly used Havaianas sandals. :) 

!Change topic!

During the party, I went in my tito's closet and I found this black Caterpillar boots that I've been wanting since forever! Well I originally want a DM boots but since I don't have one yet, this will do. They look the same anyway!  I tried it on and took a few pics. He said I could keep it. Haha!

I love this boots!!!!

!Change topic part 2!

At around 10:30 pm, the Belardo family went back and that's when the real fun started. :) A day with them is not complete without the laugh-out-loud moments, food trip, movie marathon and ofcourse cover making. Finally, we were able to record a full video of a full song. By the way, we are a group named "Bridgeless" because we never, as in never, sing the bridge part of a song when we jam. Not because we intend not to, but because we only know the verses and the chorus part and not the bridge. Pretty silly  :D

Here's us before we watch the movie "Wild Child" starring Emma Roberts, Alex Pettyfer and Natasha Richardson. It's about a rich teenager girl who was sent to a boarding school in England. It's a funny and romantic movie best for teenagers. You'll love it! :)

Here's a video of one of the covers we made. I was the videographer, Pia in vocals, Patrick in guitar and Abby was the one behind the wind effect. Haha! You'll notice on the chorus part.


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